Long-range Fault Location of Long-range Test Launch and Control System During Unmanned Time 远程测发控系统在无人值守期间对部分故障的远程定位
The line quality test, transmission quality test and fault location test can be conducted prior to operation by mean of single-ended measurement, master-slave system measurement and ATU-C/ R emulation. 利用它可通过单端测量、主从机测量和ATU-C/R仿真等方法,进行开通前线路质量确认性测试、传输质量测试以及故障定位测试等。
It is based on a new concept called "Minority Bit", and the fault location test set so obtained is optimal. 它基于少数位的概念,所得的故障定位测试集是最佳的。
Signal filtration can be achieved through the wavelet decomposition and reconfiguration and the cable fault location algorithm can be realized by the multi scale edge test theory. 运用小波分解和重构实现信号滤波,再利用多尺度边缘检测理论实现电缆故障测距算法。
On the basis of the above, it is built that the WMS based neural network model to realize mapping relation between WMS and fault location. A large number of simulation and test through EMTP/ ATP prove the approach proposed that can accurate fault location to feeders. 在此基础上构造基于小波测度序列的神经网络模型来实现对故障点位置的映射,经EMTP/ATP大量的仿真和测试,证明该研究方法能精确故障定位。
At the same time, this paper has described the design scheme that carries out the optical cable fault analysis and location based on OTDR test principle. 同时,描述了基于0TDR测试原理进行光纤故障智能分析、定位的设计方案。
Accessible node voltages are employed to on-line fault detection and location by K-fault nodes diagnosis. Then the circuit gains of output to input under different test frequencies are used to off-line diagnosis by least dispersion method. 获取可及节点电压,运用K故障诊断法进行故障在线检测与初步定位,再离线测量电路在不同的测试频率下输出对输入的增益,运用最小标准差法进行诊断。
The necessity of redundant test and measurement to complex control system, the reliability of fault location and decision of redundant test and measurement, and the principle and key techniques of redundant test and measurement system design are described. 论述了对复杂控制系统实施冗余测试的必要性、冗余测试的故障定位可靠度和决策可靠度、冗余测试系统的设计原则、冗余测试系统设计中必须解决的问题。
The key technique is given, such as the fault tree and equation, the test location, the test signal picking and generating, the fault distinguish rule, the design of preventing error alarm and BIT software. 以机载测控系统为例,从故障树与故障方程建立、测试点选择、测试信号提取与产生、故障判别准则确定、防误警设计、BIT软件设计等方面介绍了BIT设计中的关键技术。
Electric power cable test is an important work in electrical equipment troubleshooting. Firstly, correlation principle to travelling wave fault location of cable is summarized, simulation of cable fault test method is carried out and the change law of fault test signal is analyzed. 电力电缆测试是电气设备故障检修中的一项重要工作,首先总结了电缆行波测距法的相关原理,并通过EMTP软件对电缆故障测试方法进行仿真,分析了相应故障测试信号的变化规律。
Cable fault detection and location has also become an indispensable part of the test. 在电气设备和电子装置等系统的调试和维护过程中,对线缆的故障点检测与定位成了测试工作中不可缺少的一部分。
Emphatically introduced upper-computer software design and realization of fault location system, and use of the simulation data test the software functional, verified it operate stability to meet the design requirements. 同时着重介绍了故障定位系统上位机软件的设计与实现,并利用前文的仿真数据对软件进行了功能测试,验证了其能够稳定运行,满足设计需求。